No Pre-Payment

Starting today, the Morris Law Firm will no longer require prepayment of any kind, on any denied no-fault case.

We will simply remove our $40.00 legal fee from the payment we obtain for our clients on cases we receive from now on.

You’ll never have to write another check to our firm.

If we don’t get you paid, you don’t pay us any legal fees.

When we recover any sum under $800.00 for our clients, the fee will be 5% of what we recover.

That means that you’ll never pay more than $40.00, but you may pay less.

This should help avoid the problem of waiting to send us cases, and keep your legal fee affordably low for smaller cases.

It will also make it easier to obtain expedited arbitration on a series of small cases during a long treatment period.

We have no minimum dollar amount taking cases also.

We also do not charge any fee for arbitration to the doctors treating our personal injury clients for the cases related to that accident.

If you are already a Morris Law Firm client, just keep sending cases and stop writing checks.

If you would like to become a Morris Law Firm client, please call us today.